St Stephens Catholic Primary      Sandy Lane, Orford, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 9HS

Live Simply Award

The Live Simply award is an opportunity for our school community to respond to the Church’s call to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest. It is an invitation to follow in the footsteps of Jesus who lived and preached a simple life, and to take meaningful action on the ecological crisis we face today. The ecological crisis is a complex crisis that includes both the social crisis (global poverty, injustice, social inequality) and the environmental crisis (climate change, species loss, pollution of land, sea and air).

This school year 2023-2024, we at St Stephen’s Catholic Primary School have applied for the CAFOD Live Simply Award. This year we will strive to show solidarity with the poor by fundraising. We will make strides to live sustainably and increase our use of recyclable materials. We will also aim to live simply with nurturing and improving our outdoor grounds and creating a special prayer space.